AAS Courses for the 2024-25 Academic Year
Find the most up-to-date class times here - https://my.ucdavis.edu/schedulebuilder/
Courses for Fall 2024
AAS 010: African American Culture & Society (A. Williams)
AAS 016: Verbal & Performance Arts in Africa (E. Mukiibi)
AAS 052: African Traditional Religion (M. Adejunmobi)
AAS 107A: African Descent Communities & Culture in the Caribbean & Latin America (B. Ng'weno)
AAS 107C: African Descent Communities & Culture in Asia (B. Ng'weno)
AAS 110: West African Social Organization (M. Adejunmobi)
AAS 123: Black Female Experience in Contemporary Society (E. Mukiibi)
AAS 130: Education in the African American Community (L. Winn)
AAS 138: AIDS, Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Black Communities (A. Johnson)
AAS 170: African American Film and Video
Courses for Winter 2025
AAS 012: Introduction to African Studies (E. Mukiibi)
AAS 017: Women in African Societies (M. Adejunmobi)
AAS 018: Introduction to Caribbean Studies (Ng'weno)
AAS 050: Black Popular Culture (E. White)
AAS 103: The Black Human Rights Tradition (B. Weber)
AAS 107B: African Descent Communities & Culture in North America (E. White)
AAS 145A: Black Social & Political Thought (A. Williams)
AAS 183B: Policing, Prison, & Protest in Global Perspective (B. Weber)
AAS 181: Hip Hop in Urban America (A. Johnson)
AAS 190: Topics in African & African-Diaspora Studies- Anti-Black Racism in Medicine (A. Johnson)
AAS 194HA: Special Study for Honors Students (M. Harrison)
AAS 204: Methodologies in African American and African Studies (B. Ng'weno)
Courses for Spring 2025
AAS 080-1: Introduction to Black Politics (A. Williams)
AAS 100: Survey of Ethnicity in the US (B. Weber)
AAS 101: Introduction to Research in the Afro-American Community (E. Mukiibi)
AAS 107D: African Descent Communities & Culture in Europe (E. White)
AAS 111: Cultural Politics in Contemporary Africa (M. Adejunmobi)
AAS 133: Black Family (E. Mukiibi)
AAS 176: The Politics of Resources (S. Taodzera)
AAS 185: Topics in African American Film (E. White)
AAS 194HB: Special Study for Honors Students
AAS 201: Critical Foundations in African American Studies (B. Weber)
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The African American and African Studies Department has waived prerequisite requirements for specific AAS upper division courses. If you have questions about this, please contact Katherine Ampaw-Matthei, the Student Affairs Officer, at kampaw@ucdavis.edu. The following are the AAS courses that have waived prerequisite requirements:
Earlier quarter course lists available by request.